It would appear to be a mug throwing kind of day. Handles and mugs drying in their covered space. Once they are leather hard I can turn the bottom of the mugs, then attach handles. Then cover them back up for a few more days until they're almost dry. Uncover to finish off drying completely into green ware.
Yesterday and today I've been making and attaching handles to the mugs that I made and turned over the last two days. All individual and unique. The drying process is next, I keep them loosely covered placed in the the covered space for a few days. The slower I dry the mugs the less likely any cracks around the joins of the handles. In the green ware stage, fully dried, I will decide if I'm going to decorate with stains or slip. Once they're dried completely they will go into the kiln to be bisque fired. After bisque, decisions on glaze combinations.